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by GM Dyzmus
GM Dyzmus

Profession: Druid
Level: 756
the Leader of Kumple GMa

Posts: 18
Stone Skin Amulets zostaly ulepszone do 7 ladunkow.
Dodano mozliwosc wymiany srebrnych tokenow na zlote w crafting.
Nowe zadanie: "INQ" (na pustyni, demon spawn).
Zwiekszono straty przy smierci (deathloss percent boosted).
Nowa komenda: !cd / !expboost.
Dodano nowe domki.
Naprawiono system "zoltych czaszek".
Nowa formula czarow UE (dla maga/druida/paladyna).
Przyspieszono czas pushowania graczy.
Zmieniono predkosc biegania postaci.
Zablokowano mozliwosc jednoczesnego uzywania mikstur i run.
Naprawiono potwory, ktore dawaly niewidzialnosc! (Warlock, Orc Warlord, Infernalist).
AKTUALIZACJA REGULAMINU ODNOSNIE HANDLU POSTACIAMI ? handel postaciami poza oficjalnym "Character Bazaar" jest surowo zabroniony.

Stone Skin Amulets upgraded to 7 charges.
Added the possibility to exchange silver tokens for gold tokens in crafting.
New quest: "INQ" (on the desert, demon spawn).
Boosted deathloss percentage (higher death penalties).
New command: !cd / !expboost.
Introduced new houses.
Fixed the "yellow skull system".
Updated UE spell formulas (for mage/druid/paladin).
Accelerated player pushing time.
Reworked character running speed.
Blocked the simultaneous use of potions and runes.
Fixed monsters granting invisibility! (Warlock, Orc Warlord, Infernalist).
RULE UPDATE REGARDING CHARACTER TRADING ? trading characters outside the official "Character Bazaar" is strictly prohibited.
30.12.24 11:03:52
Edited by GM Dyzmus
on 30.12.24 11:05:12

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